-Lester Horton joined Nature's Study Group as a child. On one of his first excursions, they visited the mystery Indian mounds near Anderson. This led to him researching @ Children's Museum on Meridian Street.
-He first wanted to be a Herpetologist until he saw the Denishawn Dancers.
-He was also inspired by the Wild West Show and Anna PAvlova.
-His first dance lessons came from Mlle. Theo Hews, who studied ballet w/ Italian teacher Madame Menzeli.
-Horton took classes in aesthetic dance (Greek) and Denishawn.
-In high school he was great at jewelry & pottery making. He was taught by Rhoda Sellek.
-Horton's "Indian Period" in dance was inspired by Ruth St. Denis' Ishtar of the Seven Gates and Ted Shawn's Feather of the Dawn.
-He collaborated with composer Homer Gunn.
-His first professional dance job came from Forrest Thornburg in 1925.
-Horton studied and took classes with renowned ballet master Adolph Bolm in Chicago.
-He worked with actor George Sommes with the Little Theater.
-He collaborated with William and Clara Bates for "Song of Hiawatha."
-He learned necessary costume design skills @ field Museum in Chicago.
-He met Katherine Stubergh and worked with her family learning to make wax figures.
-In 1929 Horton worked with Michio Ito in At the Hawks Well where he developed his idea for choreodramas.
-In 1932 he was inspired by Mary Wigman's use of percussion for use as aesthetic cues and new dance/choreography ideas.
-Horton collaborated with composer Sidney Cutner in 1936.
-The Horton Dance Group was invited to learn and perform Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps in 1937.
-He choreographed Conquest which combined his love of Native American dance and costumes. It was danced by Bella Lewitzky and Merce Cunningham. The music was composed by Lou Harrison.
-On November 3, 1939 there was a final performance of Horton Dance group which included Harald Kreutzberg, Hanya Holm, Martha Graham, Carmelita Maracci and Agna Enters.